Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Five Ways Managers Can Improve Their Performance

There is no such thing as a perfect manager, but in today’s market it is important that every employee improves his or her performance. Here are a few things that managers can do to improve their performance.
1. Lead by Example
While this common phrase is used daily in various situations, it is equally important in management. Most managers have been placed in positions not because they are the best in their field but because of their experience. This experience sometimes causes them to become lazy and lax in their approach. Managers feel that they should just give direction instead of showing their team members the right way by performing to the best of their ability.
2. Give The Reason
Some managers have a hard time communicating with their employees.  Oftentimes, they will assign them tasks without giving them a reason.  Employees should not be told to do something without a reason. Conveying the reason gives the employee a better idea of the purpose. For example, Manager John tells the front line employees to always answer the phones on the first ring. John has just given a command and has not given them a reason why this is important. It would have been better if John told the reason to answer the call on the first ring is because the company is trying to improve sales from inbound calls.  It is important that the phones are answered on the first ring so that there are no missed opportunities.

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